Sustainability at the Rinderplatz hut

Our commitment to the future

There is probably no other place where you have to use resources more consciously than on a mountain pasture. The current trend is more and more towards regionality and seasonal products. This is nothing new for us at the Rinderplatz Hütte in Villanders - at 1,800 metres above sea level, local suppliers and farmers have always been the best choice. This is how we live sustainability and treat South Tyrolean nature with respect.

Through our sustainability measures, we create an environmentally conscious experience for our guests:

Homemade products

We attach great importance to regional and home-made products. We make our own jams, honey, juices and schnapps at the Rinderplatz Hütte. The soaps in the rooms are also lovingly made by us. We know what's inside and guarantee the highest quality. You can enjoy our delicious unique products at the Alm or take them home with you as a souvenir.

Sustainable energy

Our hut is powered by sustainable energy. We use our own wood, generate our electricity with photovoltaic systems and rely on an efficient air heat pump. These measures enable us to have an environmentally friendly energy supply and significantly reduce our carbon footprint.

Mobile phone network detox

Experience the peace and seclusion of our hut without the constant availability of the mobile phone network. There is no mobile phone network around the Rinderplatz Hütte, giving you a real break from digital stress. However, we don't live up here completely without a connection to the outside world ;) We have a fibre optic connection for important matters and offer Wi-Fi for our guests.

Our idyllic location in the heart of South Tyrolean nature obliges us to treat our resources with care and make a positive contribution to the environment. We also invite you to enjoy this unique nature in its purest form and at the same time to act in an environmentally conscious manner.